A Fun Guide to Melo’s THC Beverages: A First-Person Review

I recently got my hands on some THC beverages from Melo, and let me tell you, it’s been a fun ride! Imagine a seltzer that’s not only delicious but also gives you a relaxing, euphoric buzz. Yeah, that’s what Melo does. I tried their Grapefruit, Wild Berries, and Variety Pack, and each one offered a unique experience.

Grapefruit THC Seltzer

This one was a citrusy treat! The grapefruit flavor was crisp and refreshing, making it the perfect drink for a hot day. It felt like a summer vacation in a can. The buzz was smooth and steady, helping me relax without overwhelming me.

You can check it out here.

Wild Berries THC Seltzer

If you love berry flavors, this one’s for you. The wild berries taste is sweet and tangy, giving you a refreshing burst with each sip. I found this one a bit stronger in terms of THC effect, so it’s great for when you want to unwind and let loose a bit more.

Get your hands on it here.

Variety Pack


Can’t decide between the two? No problem! The variety pack gives you a mix of both grapefruit and wild berries, so you get the best of both worlds. It’s perfect for sharing with friends at a gathering or trying out different flavors on your own.

Order your pack here.

What I loved most about Melo’s THC beverages is the quality of the drinks. The flavors are spot-on, not too sweet or artificial tasting. Plus, the THC effects are balanced and controlled, giving you just the right amount of relaxation without knocking you out.

If you’re looking to add a twist to your seltzer game or just want a laid-back experience, Melo’s THC beverages are worth trying! Let me know if you give them a shot!